Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds

Evaluation of the “Zukunftsprogramm Arbeit” of the State of Schleswig-Holstein for 2007 and 2008

The ESF-related Operational Programme for the intervetion period 2007-2013 in Schleswig-Holstein was implemented within the „Zukunftsprogramm Arbeit“. The evaluation of this programme focus on the following seven modules: (1) Assessment of relevance and coherence of the OP’s strategy; (2) assessment of results and impacts; (3) assessment of the efficiency; (4) analysis of the community added value; (5) assessment of relevance and coherence of quantified targets and of the monitoring and evaluation system; (6) development of recommendations for future improvement of the programme; (7) implementation of workshops for involvement of relevant departments and the Monitoring Committee.

Publications: The final report is available at the homepage of the Ministry of Economy, Labour, Traffic and Technology of Schleswig-Holstein:

Mitarbeiter: Dr. Michael Fertig, Marco Puxi

Auftraggeber: Ministerium für Justiz, Arbeit und Europa des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

Laufzeit: August 2008 bis Juni 2009

Status: completed

Kooperationspartner: none

adminEvaluation of the “Zukunftsprogramm Arbeit” of the State of Schleswig-Holstein for 2007 and 2008