Kalvelage, GeorgResearch Associate, Cologne

Georg Kalvelage studied Social Sciences and Law (B.A.) at the University of Bielefeld and Sociology and Empirical Social Research (M.Sc.) at the University of Cologne and the University of British Columbia. Mr Kalvelage works as a research associate at ISG since 2017, primarily monitoring and evaluating social and economic policy interventions. In the field of labour market research, his focus is on vocational education and training, minimum wage research and research methodology consulting for public administration. Mr Kalvelage specialises in the development and implementation of quantitative research designs, often combining them with qualitative methods in mixed-method approaches.

Selected Publications

    Kalvelage, Georg (2021): Remuneration of Open-Market Traineeships in EU-27. Ad Hoc Request for the European Network of Public Employment Services. Publications Office of the European Union. Luxembourg. 29 S. URL: https://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=24300&langId=en