Dr. Bennett, JennyResearch Associate, Cologne

Jenny Bennett studied social sciences and did her doctorate in economics and social sciences at the University of Cologne in 2014. Her dissertation deals with labour market regulation and employment chances. She has worked at ISG since May 2009 and has been employed as research associate in the field ‘European Structural and Investment Funds‘. She is primarily engaged in the evaluation and monitoring of economic and social policies. Her scope of functions encompasses the conception, implementation and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative surveys. Jenny Bennett is project manager for the evaluation and monitoring of the Operational Programme for the European Social Fund (ESF) in Bavaria and the evaluation of the Operationale Programme for the ESF in Hesse in the funding period 2014-2020. She has also supported the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs with the preparation of the Operational Programme for the “Europäischer Hilfsfonds für die am stärksten benachteiligten Personen in Deutschland (EHAP)” as well the Bavarian State Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, Family and Integration with the preparation of the Operational Programme for the ESF in the funding period 2014-2020.

Selected Publications

  • Bennett, Jenny, Annika Ehler, Stefan Feldens, Katrin Hunger, Georg Kalvelage, Christian Loschelder, Uta Micic, Friedrich Scheller, Anne-Marie Scholz, Hendrik Trautmann, Hans Verbeek und Jürgen Viedenz (2017), Europäischer Sozialfonds. Übergeordneter Evaluationsbericht 2017. Bayern 2014-2020. Perspektiven in Bayern – Perspektiven in Europa: URL: http://www.esf.bayern.de/imperia/md/content/stmas/esf/evaluationszwischenbericht_2017final.pdf
  • Bennett, Jenny (2016), Skill-specific unemployment risks: Employment protection and technological progress – A cross-national comparison. Journal of European Social Policy, 26 (5), p. 402-416.
    • Möhring, Katja und Jenny Bennett (2015), Arbeitslosigkeit und Frührente älterer Personen in Europa – Die Rolle von Arbeitsmarkt- und Rentenpolitik aus der Lebenslaufperspektive. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 61 (4), S. 379-402.
      • Bennett, Jenny and Katja Möhring (2015), Cumulative (Dis)advantage? The impact of Labour Market Policies on Late Career Employment from a Life Course Perspective. Journal of Social Policy, 44 (2), p. 213-233.
      • Bennett, Jenny (2014), Inequalities in European Labour Markets between Insiders and Outsiders: Employment Protection Legislation and its Relation to Unemployment. Cross-Country Empirical Evidence. Doctoral thesis, University of Cologne.
      • Bennett, Jenny (2014), The distribution of unemployment risks: Employment Protection Legislation and Skill-biased Technological Change. ISG Working Paper 8.
      • Bennett, Jenny, Uta Micic and Kai Sattler (2013), Studie der Ergebnisse der regionalen ESF-Förderung 2013. Regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung in Baden-Württemberg 2007-2013. Ed. Land Baden-Württemberg, Ministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie, Frauen und Senioren, Stuttgart.
      • Bennett, Jenny (2012), Ungleichheiten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt aufgrund von Bildungsunterschieden und die Rolle der Arbeitsmarktderegulierung. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 58, p. 289-313.
      • Bennett, Jenny and Hagen Lesch (2011), Mehr Lohngerechtigkeit durch Mindestlöhne? Die Gerechtigkeitswahrnehmung von Geringverdienern. Sozialer Fortschritt 07/2011, p. 143-150 (awarded by the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln with the science award for the best publication in the business year 2011/2012).
      • Bennett, Jenny, Dennis Egenolf, Annika Farwick, Uta Micic, Kai Sattler and Jürgen Viedenz (2010), Evaluationsbericht. ESF in Bayern – Wir investieren in Menschen. Ed. Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie und Frauen, Munich.
      • Lesch, Hagen and Jenny Bennett (2010), Arbeit und Fairness – die Suche nach dem gerechten Lohn. Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, IW-Analysen Nr. 59.